To help us live from divine wisdom within, the study of our true Self and sacred scripture is one of the foundational practices in Kriya Yoga. In this tradition, we do not study sacred scripture to find answers within the pages of the text. Instead, we study scripture to reveal the divine wisdom that already indwells each of us, and that is waiting to be heard by us now. 
Instructor: Acharya Paula Vandana Whang-Ramos

April 6, 2024 JOA Retreat: Opening Into Abundance

A Six-Week Online Video Course with Yogacharya Ellen Grace O’Brian

AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF A YOGIby Paramahansa Yogananda

Paramahansa Yogananda's autobiography is a timeless classic that continues to be influential more that 75 years after it was first published.  Autobiography of a Yogi recounts the life of this well-loved Spiritual Leader who changed the consciousness of the US when he introduced Yoga to this country in 1920. Listen into the wisdom of this beloved Yoga Master in the direct lineage of CSE and Blue Lotus Center. Receive inspiration to support your spiritual awakening in this lifetime.

Autobiography of a Yogi is available for purchase at BLC and online at Amazon.

“Imagine the freedom of living in the soul...No confusion or doubt, just clarity.  An awakened heart,
an illumined mind, free from attachment or aversion, open to the graces of the present moment. Imagine.”
~Yogacharya Ellen Grace O'Brian, Living for the Sake of the Soul, p. 24

Living Beyond Limits:
An Introduction to the Yoga Sutras

“Now, instruction in yoga, in accord with an established tradition, begins.”
Sutra 1.1

On Saturday and Sunday, September 7 & 8, the BLC community gathered for its first public Kriya Yoga Seminar with Initiation.  Acharya Paula Vandana led us in the rich teachings of Kriya Yoga as we deepened our meditation practice; received teachings on Kriya Yoga principles, practices, and enhanced meditation techniques; and received a blessing to renew our dedication to spiritually awaken in this lifetime.


Acharya Paula Vandana led the group through teachings from the last two sections of The Jewel of Abundance by Yogacharya Ellen Grace O'Brian including the 8 Limbs of Yoga with emphasis on the Yamas (restraints) and Niyamas (observances). mantra and japa practice, and gratitude as a daily contemplative practice.  The afternoon of restoration, inspiration, and meditation was followed by fellowship and the sharing of prasad.

Radiant Living Online Participants

Join the BLC community for a year-long journey into the joy and peace of the soul, based on inspirational teachings from Yogacharya O'Brian's book Living for the Sake of the Soul (LSS).

Wednesday evenings ~ 6:30pm - 7:30pm, Includes LSS inspiration, onsite and online
Saturday mornings ~ 10:00am - 10:40am, Includes LSS inspiration, online only

Additionally, BLC will host two LSS inspired retreats in 2025.  Dates TBA.

Living for the Sake of the Soul is available for purchase at CSE, BLC, and at Amazon.

Drawing from Yogacharya O’Brian’s book The Jewel of Abundance: Finding Prosperity Through the Ancient Wisdom of Yoga, we explored prosperous living as a spiritual practice through meditation and inspirational teachings on the Purusharthas, chakra system, and the Source of  all prosperity in which we live and breathe and have our being.

There is divine potential in the heart of every person that awaits our recognition and cooperation. Once we discover this innate potential, what was once a deep yearning becomes the dynamic cause that inspires us to live in the highest way. We can all know why we are here, how to fulfill our divine destiny and experience lasting happiness.

Engage in this New Online Video Course with Yogacharya O’Brian and learn how to meditate and live by spiritual principles.

For more information or to register, click here.

Live the Eternal Way: The Art and Practice of Self-Realization

Copyright 2014. Blue Lotus Meditation Center. All rights reserved.
408-842-0208  • •  Dry Creek Village, 8347 Church Street, Gilroy, CA  95020 

Join us as Acharya Paula Vandana guides us through our year-long weekly study of the Yoga Sutras, one of the ancient Yoga and meditation texts that we study at CSE and BLC. Let your contemplation of this timeless spiritual wisdom illumine your divine remembrance of the inner peace, love, and wholeness that dwells in you right now.

Our year-long study will include:
~Individual Daily Meditation and Metaphysical Scripture Study

Begins September 1, 2024 through August 31, 2025
Complement your daily meditation practice with contemplative reading of the Yoga Sutras.
Download the 2024-2025 Yoga Sutras One Year Weekly Reading schedule here.
Download the Yoga Sutras Contemplative Notes template here.

Tuesday 1pm Weekly Meditation and Yoga Sutras Study Group
Tuesdays, beginning 09/03/2024 through 08/26/2025
Each Tuesday in spiritual community, we will meditate and contemplate inspirations and insights revealed during

our weekly Yoga Sutras scripture study.

Required text: The Science of Self-Realization: A Guide to Spiritual Practice in the Kriya Yoga Tradition by Roy Eugene Davis. Texts available locally at CSE, BLC, and at or Amazon.

Newcomers and experienced students of the Yoga Sutras are all welcome.

Prior Classes, Contemplative Groups, and Book Studies

RADIANT LIVING: A Program for Spiritual Self-Care

  Kriya Yoga Meditation Seminar with Initiation

Paramahansa Yogananda As I Knew Him is written from the heart and direct experience of a devoted student who personally knew him. Mr. Davis' love and devotion for his Spiritual Teacher inspires and guides us into our own essential wholeness, clarity, and peace.
Paramahansa Yogananda As I Knew Him can be purchased at BLC and online at Amazon.

On Saturday, December 2, 2023, Blue Lotus Center successfully concluded the 3-part Radiant Living series of classes with the presentation of A Metaphysical Pilgrimage into Advent.

In Part 1 (Cherish Changing Bodies) and Part 2 (Befriend the Busy Mind) participants joined Acharya Paula Vandana for an afternoon of restoration, inspiration, and meditation. Yogic teachings and practices to spiritualize the care of the body, harmonize the mind for the highest good, and intentionally live from the wisdom and joy of the soul were presented.  In Part 3, A Metaphysical Pilgrimage into Advent, attendees were guided through a metaphysical and yogic understanding of the Christmas story and experienced spiritual practices to inspire intentional entry into the Holy season drawn on the teachings from Yogacharya Ellen Grace O’Brian’s book Path Of Wonder: A Meditator’s Guide to Advent.

“Real peace in our lives cannot be created; it has no cause. It is a spiritual quality that is innate to the soul. It is revealed when our lives are in balance and we act with integrity.”

Yogacharya Ellen Grace O'Brian, Spiritual Director, Center for Spiritual Enlightenment

June 1, 2024 JOA Retreat: Live Your Divine Potential

Awakening Divine Wisdom Within: An Introduction to Contemplative Scripture Study

Living For the Sake Of the Soul

Meditation & Yoga Center:

CSE south county meditation center

Spiritual Living Classes & Groups