Copyright 2014. Blue Lotus Meditation Center. All rights reserved.
408-842-0208 • • Dry Creek Village, 8347 Church Street, Gilroy, CA 95020
Meditation & Yoga Center:
CSE south county meditation center
Blue Lotus
November 24, 2019
Giving Thanks
Paula Whang-Ramos
"For all that is, let us give thanks. May our hearts and minds shine with gratitude."
~Yogacharya Ellen Grace O'Brian, 08/15/2019
During this season of Thanksgiving, my heart is overflowing with gratitude! I am grateful for the teachers in our tradition and their long vision that all beings deserve to live in the indwelling wholeness that is Yoga. The heart of Blue Lotus Center was born in their steadfast commitment to our freedom. The unconditional blessing of Yogacharya O'Brian and CSE continues to support BLC to grow as a spiritual community in which we can awaken into the peace so needed right now. BLC's Board of Directors and Sattvic Seva Volunteer Team embody the heart of selfless service, as we live the teachings to the best of our ability and hold space to welcome the Holy One in all. And, all of you in our broader BLC community are living inspirations that peace is possible, even during these interesting times. Our individual awakening contributes to the collective consciousness of Wholeness for all.
Thank you for your commitment to living from the indwelling peace that cannot be shaken or stirred by changing circumstances. Your courageous willingness to embody the love, joy, and wholeness that we all took birth for - in this lifetime - is a gift to us all. As we step into this holy season honored in many wisdom traditions, may you, your loved ones, and all beings everywhere be blessed with overflowing peace, love and joy.
Meditate superconsciously with us at Blue Lotus Center. Awaken, study, and be inspired in a meditative Kriya Yoga community committed to reclaim and to live from the spiritual integrity and wholeness that we all are. Contribute to the realization of peace in our minds, our hearts, our families, our community and our world. Blue Lotus Meditation & Yoga Center welcomes sincere seekers and newcomers from all backgrounds.
November 17, 2019
Living in Divine Wholeness
Paula Whang-Ramos
"We apprehend the reality of Consciousness according to our capacity to do so...if we are sincere,
if we turn our attention to higher realities, we open ourselves to the actions of grace which express as awakened,
transformative soul impulses from within and as supportive circumstances in our everyday experience."
Mr. Roy Eugene Davis, The Eternal Way: The Inner Meaning of the Bhagavad Gita (1996) pg. 88
This inspiring passage reminds us that wherever we are, Wholeness is. Whatever we are facing in our lives or in our minds, Divine Grace is here with us. We do not need to make ourselves "perfect" or even better, before we can experience this grace bestowing Presence. We do not need to wait until we have time, or are less stressed, or feel more worthy to live in Divine Wholeness. We only need to be willing to turn our attention and open our awareness, again and again, into the consciousness expanding possibility that right here, right now, in the blessings and blunders of our lives - we are already living in the grace of Divine Wholeness.
The teachings of Kriya Yoga offer practices based in ancient philosophical wisdom to help us learn to stop perpetuating the stories of isolation and unworthiness that can emerge from the mind, and instead turn our attention towards thoughts, words, and actions that serve our higher good. As we learn to expand our awareness into the Divine Wholeness in which we live and breathe and have our being, we can see how this Presence always rises from within and around us to support, guide and inspire us into the peace, love and wisdom that we yearn for and deserve - in this lifetime.
Meditate superconsciously with us at Blue Lotus Center. Awaken, study, and be inspired in a meditative Kriya Yoga community committed to reclaim and to live from the spiritual integrity and wholeness that we all are. Contribute to the realization of peace in our minds, our hearts, our families, our community and our world. Blue Lotus Meditation & Yoga Center welcomes sincere seekers and newcomers from all backgrounds.
November 10, 2019
Live In the Source Of Happiness
Paula Whang-Ramos
"That one who is content with what comes by providence, who has transcended the dualities (of pleasure and displeasure),
who is free from envy and remains even-minded in success or failure, even though implementing actions, is not in bondage.”
Bhagavad Gita 4:22 ~ Mr. Roy Eugene Davis,
The Eternal Way: The Inner Meaning Of The Bhagavad Gita
Today's Gita reading points to a deeper Source of happiness that is not dependent on our changing opinions, emotions, or even experiences. Instead, this teaching reminds us that we can live in the deeper Source of contentment, when we learn to live consciously in providence or divine grace. When we look and listen from this deeper, unchanging consciousness, then we can even-mindedly live in the world without allowing our lives to be an unending reaction to it.
Instead, we live in Yoga, where we return, again and again, into the Source within and around us, whose providence blesses us in every breath. How do we learn to live in providence, free from bondage of the mind? Join us at Blue Lotus Center as we learn and live these ancient Yogic teachings as a path into this freedom!
Meditate superconsciously with us at Blue Lotus Center. Awaken, study, and be inspired in a meditative community committed to reclaim and to live from the spiritual integrity and wholeness that we all are. Contribute to the realization of peace in our minds, our hearts, our families, our community and our world. Blue Lotus Meditation & Yoga Center welcomes sincere seekers and newcomers from all backgrounds.
November 3, 2019
Celebrate Peace With BLC This Wednesday!
Paula Whang-Ramos
"Let us encourage one another with spiritual friendship, conversations that are uplifting, and remembrance of our sacred purpose in life."
~Yogacharya Ellen Grace O'Brian, 08/30/2016
It has been almost 30 years since my husband and I moved to South County. We loved the rural country, the small town, and the slower pace of life. While my earth life was well cared for, my spiritual life was not. I missed the spiritual diversity of the greater Bay Area from where we came. In South County, beautiful spiritual doorways in local houses of worship felt too narrow to fit my own limitless experience of the Divine and welcome my many spiritual friends from diverse spiritual traditions.
And then, in 2005, I walked through the doorway of the Center for Spiritual Enlightenment in San Jose. Fourteen years later, I have yet to find the edges of CSE's spiritual doors, as they open wide to welcome sincere seekers from all and no faith traditions. On November 6, 2014, Yogacharya Ellen Grace O'Brian, Spiritual Director and Founder of CSE, blessed the Blue Lotus Center into being, as an affiliate meditation center of CSE.
For the past 5 years, BLC has served as an oasis of peace that welcomes sincere seekers from all backgrounds. At BLC, we focus on the Oneness that joins us, instead of apparent differences that may divide us. BLC continues to hold a steadfast presence of peace through many challenging acts of nature and humans in our communities and our country. Join us this Wednesday, as we meditate and celebrate BLC's 5 years of service to sincere seekers from all of our beautiful communities. Enjoy a time in spiritual community with others who share a commitment to the sacred Purpose that indwells us all. All are welcome.
Meditate superconsciously with us at Blue Lotus Center. Awaken, study, and be inspired in a meditative community committed to reclaim and to live from the spiritual integrity and wholeness that we all are. Contribute to the realization of peace in our minds, our hearts, our families, our community and our world. Blue Lotus Meditation & Yoga Center welcomes sincere seekers and newcomers from all backgrounds.